Believe it or not, I managed to pack and get on the road pretty much on time. Even got my hair and nails done in Iowa City before the final mad dash to the airport in Cedar Rapids. Of course, the downside to rushing like that is I always forget something. The casualty this trip (so far) was my e-book reader, which is setting in my car at the airport.

Anyway, flew into Dallas. Was so hoping that I’d get to see Dallas Stadium (did I mention I’m a *BIG* Cowboys fan?) but missed it both coming and going. That’s okay, though. I’m driving to Dallas next week and already have a ticket to tour the stadium after that conference is over.

Got to Santa Ana at 10:30 p.m. (hey, my body says it was 12:30 a.m.), so I missed the opening meet and greet. Saw some pictures posted on Facebook. Looks like it want very well and everyone had fun.

Going to try to sleep now. Should be posting my own pix on tomorrow’s blog entry.