One of the last posts I posted on my Iowa?!? travel blog was a recounting of my trips last May to the six Bridges of Madison County–yes, the ones upon which the book and 1995 movie were based.  In Part one, I wrote about my first stop, which was to the iconic Cedar Bridge.  It was the only one still open to vehicular traffic, so I drove RB through the wooden structure before getting out of the car and taking several pictures.

Cedar Bridge sat adjacent to a pretty little park where one could take a picnic lunch and enjoy the afternoon.  It was actually a reconstruction of the original 1883 bridge that was destroyed by fire in 2002.

Anyway, on my way to work this morning, I heard a radio DJ announce that the bridge had been completely destroyed over the previous weekend. As with the 2002 fire, investigators suspected arson, and the Madison County sheriff planned to provide an update at a news conference this afternoon.  I worked throughout the day, but for some reason, the news stayed on my mind.  I kept checking the Web to see what information was available.

They finally announced a few moments ago that a 17-year-old kid had been arrested and charged on Monday night, with the investigation still underway.

It saddens me that there are those who seek some sort of gratification from destruction–be that the burning of a historic bridge or taking the life an innocent older gentleman who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Fortunately, the bridge can be replaced.  Plans to do so are already under discussion.



