I reached the Cedar Rapids airport on Thursday morning.  Most memorable about the drive was seeing two different semis stuck in the highway median and a third badly damaged from where it had gone into a ditch on the side of the highway.  They served as a reminder of the severity of the storm that had whipped it way through Iowa the day before.

The reminder was reinforced when I found out that Chicago O’Hare was delaying flights going into that airport because they were now in the midst of that same storm–btw, this storm will be a recurring theme of this trip.  After a two-hour delay, we were finally allowed to depart Cedar Rapids.  The flight was uneventful, but the delay caused me to miss my connection to New York LaGuardia.  The flight from Chicago to New York was packed with folks who, like me, had missed earlier flights, and it was so turbulent that the attendants were unable to serve refreshments.

So, instead of reaching the hotel in time to have a nice dinner with the organizers of the Burleigh Society program scheduled for the next evening, followed by spending the rest of that evening with my mother and sister–who were coming to New York by train, I arrived around 9 p.m.  and settled for leftover macaroni for dinner.

Still, I’m thankful that my trip was safe and that I would be involved in a weekend doing many things that I enjoy doing.

Stand by for more….

