With all that’s planned during this week, we decided to get into Salt Lake City and relax and prep. Took plenty of pictures along the way, though, of the look of the Rockies in Wyoming and Utah. First time either of us have visited Utah, so we’re looking forward to see as much of it…
Denver Goes to the Spirituals
Missed most of Friday’s conference. Really wanted to catch the afternoon presentations, but events prevented that from happening. C’est la vie… Saturday, though, was stupendous. As usual, waited until the last moment to put together my Powerpoint presentation, even added two slides less than an hour before the session started. Still, gave the presentation on…
Greetings from Denver!!
Got into Denver about 9:15 p.m. MDT. Pushed to get in with enough time to get (for me) a full night’s sleep before attending tomorrow’s conference activities. Glad my mother’s flying in to meet me here rather than in Iowa because I made the drive with only one 15-minute stop once I left Des Moines–where…
Fire and Rain
Packing for early morning departure. Find myself looking at news about severe storms crossing Iowa. However, the system is heading east away from my planned route. The other news is about the fires in Colorado. THe map below shows the fire evacuation around Colorado Springs. No indication that Denver is involved. My prayers for those…
Hot Stuff!!
One of the things about combining business and pleasure is that you have to pack for both. Professional and semi-formal dress for the conference part and comfortable travel stuff for the vacation part. Weather forecast in Denver is for mid- to upper-80’s (very comfortable for a southerner after a long winter in the Midwest). The…
R E A P Conference on Negro Spirituals-Denver, CO
Getting ready to attend a conference on Negro spirituals at the University of Denver. Scheduled to present a lecture-recital on using dialect in performance of spirituals. Information about the conference is at http://spiritualsproject.org/reap/. Planning to take advantage of the opportunity to see parts of the U.S. I’ve not seen up close before (flying over them…
Texas, Texas, Here I Come!
Left a couple of hours later than I’d planned, but made very good time driving my rented ride to Dallas. My roomie is Sarah, a former colleague from my days cataloging music at Florida State University. Not much going on since the conference doesn’t begin until Thursday morning. Going to see if I can get…