I’ve lived in Iowa for nearly 12 years and only visited Pella twice, neither time when the town’s famous tulips were in bloom.  A library colleague has reminded me that this is tulip season there, and she found on her visit there yesterday, they are, indeed, in glorious bloom.

So, I’ve decided to further delay the completion of the book review that’s due next week for a few more hours in order to visit Pella tomorrow (Saturday) instead of waiting for the festival they’re hosting next weekend.  This will allow me to see the tulips and avoid the crowds.

The question is: will the weather allow for this?  As I head to lunch today, it’s cold (RB’s thermostat reads 39 degrees) and raining.  The picture here shows the rain falling on the patch of tulips and daffodils on the other side of the library’s parking lot.   The forecast for tomorrow is for more of the same, so I’m hoping I can see plenty without getting out of RB.

Looking at the route to Pella, I also noticed a decent sized lake with a state park nearby that I’ve also never visited.   So, it seems logical to add this to the quickie trip.

If this happens, I’ll certain take–and will post–lots of pictures from Pella and at the Elk Rock State Park.