Due to a change in plans, we needed to reach Dallas by Sunday morning. So, we started the day with a short visit to the Wells Fargo Museum in Phoenix. In addition to the displays on the company’s history during the American Western expansion era, there was a small art gallery of paintings and sculpture by artists such as Remington and N.C. Wyeth. At the gallery’s request, I didn’t take any pictures.
The five-cent bill pictured is a reproduction the museum provided to me as a visitor.
We then drove to Tombstone, Arizona. We missed the re-enactment of the gunfight at the OK Corral, but several people were in costume walking the closed off street and riding stagecoaches.
Although we didn’t cross into Mexico, we still had to go through a border patrol checkpoint at the turnoff for Nogales. Crossed into New Mexico–a first-time visit for both Momma and me–and made it to Las Cruces before calling it a night.
We spent most of the day driving on I-10. Although this stretch is over 1,400 miles from my old stomping grounds in Tallahassee, Florida, I found myself thinking often of former grad school classmates and former co-workers. Unfortunately, that’s just a bit too far off the itinerary to add this trip.