Did I mention that I’m a Trekker (okay, Trekkie, whatever)? I first started watching the original series in syndication in the early 1970s. In the early 1990s, I attended my first Star Trek convention in Tallahassee, Florida, while I was a grad student at Florida State University. While my personal collection of Trek mostly consists…
Category: LLAP-Star Trek Stuff
When I get to indulge in stuff related to my Star Trek fandom
Just a Little Update
Yes, I’ve made a major change in my upcoming trip route. I’ve been keeping an eye on Mississippi and its “Bathroom law” situation. They made one state-wide step in the right direction when they decided not to fight the federal guidelines defining student use of school locker rooms and bathrooms based on their gender identity. …
Logistics… A Dirty Word
Have you ever noticed how much planning goes into planning a vacation? Even one as “free-wheeling” as my vacations tend to be requires preparation: what clothes to pack, how much updating needs to be made to the drive time playlist, what electronic and paper documentation to gather, even what munchies should I carry. And, of…
Missing Mississippi?
I read with great disappointment that Mississippi had just passed a law that goes out of its way to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Added to the state’s ongoing issues with racial discrimination, I can’t see myself giving even tacit approval of this decision by playing tourist there. It might be only a few hundred…
… And MORE Star Trek!
Well, as might be expected, my summer 2016 travel plans have undergone some adjustments. And the odds are quite high that there will be other changes (hopefully only minor–and better option–ones) even as RB and I are on the road. In this case, I’ve added Riverside, Iowa, as my first stop so I can attend…
Summer Plans: A Little Work… And a Lot of Star Trek
Starting to formulate plans for summer vacation. First, RB and I can take a fairly leisurely ride through Arkansas, Mississippi–with potentially a brief stopover in New Orleans, and Alabama, which would finally give me the last three contiguous states I need. Visit some Civil Rights historical sites, add a little research,… and hey, if I…