So, I finally got that bucket list entry, Glacier National Park, taken care of!  After so many aborted attempts, I just wasn’t letting my hopes get too high until I actually steered SB through the park entrance. Anyway, it was definitely a visit that didn’t disappoint, even with the winter storm that cut the trip short and the parts of the park I wasn’t able to see.

Before I left for that trip, I acquired a set of National Park postcards that also include several memorials and other sites that are part of the US Parks System. I’ve started work on a display of the parks that I have visited in the order I was there, with lots of space for more cards.

National Parks Planned and Those So Far Visited

It’s already August, but I have several trips planned for the remainder of the year. This includes a trip to Florida to get the three national parks I missed during my last visit in 2016. If all goes as I plan, I should get the Dry Tortugas. Everglades, and Biscayne during that trip. I’m hoping that I have timed the trip after the hurricane season has ended for the year.

And the main trip upcoming is a flight to Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, and a seven-day cruise of the islands. There are two national parks in Hawaiʻi–Haleakalā National Park and Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park–as well as Pearl Harbor included in the variety of stops I’ve planned for the trip.

This would be my first cruise and my first visit to Hawaiʻi, so I’ve got a lot of prep to do by then. I also have at least one road trip coming soon, with little time on the road currently planned for September. Don’t worry, though, SB won’t be setting around too much.

More as I have stories and pictures to blog.

In the meantime, though, I will take advantage of this opportunity to update my list of national parks I’ve visited to date–28, I miscounted somewhere and said 30. The link to the National Park Service’s page is followed by the link to my blog post about my visit:

Acadia – Maine
American Samoa – American Samoa
Arches (Post)
Badlands (Post)
Big Bend – Texas
Biscayne – Florida
Black Canyon of the Gunnison – Colorado
Bryce Canyon (Post)
Canyonlands (Post)
Capitol Reef (Post)
Carlsbad Caverns – New Mexico
Channel Islands – California
Congaree (Post)
Crater Lake – Oregon
Cuyahoga Valley (Post)
Death Valley (Post)
Denali – Alaska
Dry Torgugas – Florida
Everglades – Florida
Gates of the Arctic – Alaska
Gateway Arch (Post)
Glacier (Post)
Glacier Bay – Alaska
Grand Canyon (Post)
Grand Teton (Post)
Great Basin – Nevada
Great Sand Dunes – Colorado
Great Smoky Mountains (Post)
Guadalupe Mt. – Texas
Haleakalā – Hawaiʻi
Hawaiʻi Volcanoes – Hawaiʻi
Hot Springs (Post)
Indiana Dunes (Post)
Isle Royale – Michigan
Joshua Tree(Post)
Katmai – Alaska
Kenai Fjords – Alaska
Kings Canyon – California
Kobuk Valley – Alaska
Lake Clark – Alaska
Lassen Volcanic – California
Mammoth Cave (Post)
Mesa Verde – Colorado
Mount Rainier (Post)
New River Gorge – West Virginia
North Cascades (Post)
Olympic (Post)
Petrified Forest – Arizona
Pinnacles – California
Redwood (Post)
Rocky Mountain (Post)
Saguaro – Arizona
Sequoia – California
Shenandoah (Post)
Theodore Roosevelt (Post)
Virgin Islands – US Virgin Islands
Voyageurs (Post)
White Sands – New Mexico
Wind Cave – South Dakota
Wrangell-St. Elias – Alaska
Yellowstone (Post)
Yosemite (Post)
Zion (Post)

And, an updated map:



Lastly, if the Hawaiʻi trip comes to pass, I will only have Alaska left to complete my 50 states. Hmmm….

A Friendly Split

It may not be obvious, but this is a VERY big site with all of the images I have posted. Plus, someone is linking to some of the images to a point where too many of them are getting tens of thousands of hits. My ISP doesn’t appreciate it, and honestly, I’m not a fan, either. If you like my pictures enough to want to share them, I have loaded them freely and currently only restrict their use to non-commercial purposes. Please don’t relink, though. It’s not nice nor fair.

Anyway, to make my ISP a little less unhappy, I have shifted 2024 images to and future images will also be loaded there. The web pages on have been changed to reflect the new site, but Facebook and links on other URLs have not. Also, I will continue to blog from this site.